Sarah R. Adams - God, Spirit, Consciousness: Enlightenment & the Pandemic

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Sarah R. Adams - God, Spirit, Consciousness: Enlightenment & the Pandemic
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Viruses and the War on Consciousness
"Sarah has experienced many things from seeing abductions to seeing angels who aided her. Her awakened consciousness increased as she got older. She experienced the supernatural and past lives in Egypt & Atlantis. telepathy, weather abnormalities, feeling others emotions, remote viewing, quantum leaping, and time travel are among the other alternate realities Sarah has endured. "I’ve healed so much and believe every day is a healing journey to greater heights".
"Sarah works with many clients around the world in what she calls "Intuitive Healing". This includes using homeopathy herbs, supplements, diet super foods, detoxing, energy work, essential oils, visualization, mediation, subtle energy work, cellular work, all to heighten the frequency of the temple and precious bodies we have been given. She has made TV appearances on Gaia TV including Beyond Belief and Buzzsaw, as well as Vice TV, The Bases Project, co-hosting the Divine Truth Show on Revolution Radio and many others.
"Sarah Adams continues to be a major force in the world of enlightenment while healing many around the world."
WATCH ON TrueTube:
TrueTube Blog: TrueTube Blog:
Viruses and the War on Consciousness
"Sarah has experienced many things from seeing abductions to seeing angels who aided her. Her awakened consciousness increased as she got older. She experienced the supernatural and past lives in Egypt & Atlantis. telepathy, weather abnormalities, feeling others emotions, remote viewing, quantum leaping, and time travel are among the other alternate realities Sarah has endured. "I’ve healed so much and believe every day is a healing journey to greater heights".
"Sarah works with many clients around the world in what she calls "Intuitive Healing". This includes using homeopathy herbs, supplements, diet super foods, detoxing, energy work, essential oils, visualization, mediation, subtle energy work, cellular work, all to heighten the frequency of the temple and precious bodies we have been given. She has made TV appearances on Gaia TV including Beyond Belief and Buzzsaw, as well as Vice TV, The Bases Project, co-hosting the Divine Truth Show on Revolution Radio and many others.
"Sarah Adams continues to be a major force in the world of enlightenment while healing many around the world."