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The GIS is the heartbeat of many processes at MITNETZ STROM

As part of the enviaM Group, MITNETZ STROM and MITNETZ GAS provide 2.3 million customers with electricity and gas in the states of Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia, Germany. Hexagon NetWorks is MITNETZ STROM's geospatial network information system (GIS) and the data warehouse for all asset data. It is truly the heartbeat of the company's technology systems.

Around 10 million assets are integrated into the enviaM Group system. Enriched with data from other systems (financial data, ERP, etc.) and with opportunity/risk assessments for monitoring and control of technical processes, analysis is done with Hexagon's flagging and BI tools, among others. Numerous innovative business operations solutions, including those from external providers, have already been implemented using Hexagon's GIS technologies.

MITNETZ STROM’s network is getting smarter for the challenges of tomorrow and beyond. #TheGISIsTheHeartbeatOfManyProcesses

Learn more: https://hxgn.biz/3EJT16C