Tech talk: A Revolution in Risk Management - One Geomonitoring Partner for the Modern Mine
Presented by David Rutledge, Director, Structural Monitoring, Leica Geosystems
Innovation in real-time surveillance and monitoring technology is helping mines to better manage risk and autonomously connect mining ecosystems. Join David Rutledge to explore how risk management and instrumentation intersect. Learn the value of integrating all geotechnical sensors together in one modern platform.
Topics covered will be the two true 3D systems - GNSS and total stations - as well as piezometers, InSAR, radar, shape arrays, TDR’s, web cameras, automated thermal imaging and automated point cloud displacements.
Innovation in real-time surveillance and monitoring technology is helping mines to better manage risk and autonomously connect mining ecosystems. Join David Rutledge to explore how risk management and instrumentation intersect. Learn the value of integrating all geotechnical sensors together in one modern platform.
Topics covered will be the two true 3D systems - GNSS and total stations - as well as piezometers, InSAR, radar, shape arrays, TDR’s, web cameras, automated thermal imaging and automated point cloud displacements.