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Webinar: Future Skills for Tech Recruitment Adapting to Evolving Technology Trends

Recruiting leaders and their teams are competing for great candidates within the ever-changing landscape of technology. This means talent acquisition strategies are shifting, and the playbooks of yesterday are no longer relevant. Job descriptions are becoming more specific, hiring managers are becoming increasingly selective, and now recruiters are needing to identify talent that has in-demand technical proficiencies—combined with adaptability to new tech, soft skills, and abilities to collaborate cross-functionally.

Knowing what a candidate is capable of today is no longer enough. Being able to present what a candidate is capable of in the future is just as important.

Join us as Fred Rafilson, CEO/Cofounder at Clarity and Sylvia Mol, PhD, Head of Skills Evaluation Lab & Assessment Research Lead at CodeSignal, explore the skills required for tech recruitment in the future.

Key discussion points will include:
-Staying abreast of emerging technology trends and AI
-Adapting recruitment and selection processes to assess required skills for mobility throughout the organization
-Screening for organization-wide values, motivation, and attitude
-Addressing the importance of upskilling and reskilling
-Assessing the cognitive ability of candidates and employees required to learn new skills and fill new roles
-Fostering cultures of collaborative learning and cross-functional teams