Diversification – Canada Life

All investments have risk, just some more than others. Manage your exposure by diversifying your investments across different levels of risk within your plan. Go to www.mycanadalifeatwork.com to sign in today.
View the video transcript:
Description: Braelynn walks into her kitchen with a bag full of groceries. She sets them down on the counter.
Narrator: What kind of investor are you? Adventurous. Cautious. In between.
Description: She opens her cupboard and places three types of hot sauce on the shelf: hot, mild then medium in between.
Narrator: These are just some ways to express your comfort with investment risk.
Description: Camera zooms in on sauces.
Narrator: All investments have risk, some more than others.
Description: Cut to Braelynn, she stands and thinks.
Narrator: One way to reduce risk is through diversification.
Description: “Diversification” appears onscreen.
Narrator: That means spreading your money around in various investments.
Description: Cut to three pie graphs with investment graphics, each display a meter underneath to indicate a “Lower” or “Higher” amount of risk. Each graph is set to a low or medium level of risk.
Narrator: That way, if the market changes for one investment, you have other investments to keep you balanced.
Description: The investment in the middle becomes smaller and the risk level increases. The other two investments adjust to a lower risk to accommodate.
Narrator: If you think diversifying your investments is complicated, it doesn’t have to be.
Description: Camera pans down to reveal a large question mark, investments fall behind.
Narrator: This is where an asset allocation fund comes in.
Description: A pie graph of an asset allocation fund appears. Investment graphics surround the graph.
Narrator: An asset allocation fund automatically spreads your money amongst several funds, so they help manage risk.
Description: A dollar sign appears in the middle of the asset allocation fund. All investment graphics flip to show dollar signs.
Narrator: You can choose from three different types of asset allocation funds.
Description: Cut to three squares with text in each: “Target date funds,” “Target risk funds” and “Risk-adjusted target date funds.” A cursor enters the frame and clicks on “Target date funds.”
Narrator: Target date funds are based on the year you expect to retire.
Description: A pie graph appears, labelled “Target date funds” with a counter below. The counter rolls to 2050.
Narrator: Target risk funds are based on your comfort with risk.
Description: Five pie graphs appear, labelled “Target risk funds.” A meter appears below to indicate a “Lower” or “Higher” amount of risk.
The graphs are arranged from low to high risk: “Conservative,” “Moderate,” “Balanced,” “Advanced” and “Aggressive.”
Narrator: Risk-adjusted target date funds are based both on the year you want to retire and your comfort with risk.
Description: 2050 target date and aggressive target risk fund graphics are shown side-by-side. The label “Risk-adjusted target date funds” appears.
Narrator: Not sure how comfortable you are with risk?
Description: Cut to large question mark.
Narrator: Our investment personality questionnaire can help you figure that out.
Description: Cut to view of hands holding a tablet. The investment personality questionnaire is displayed.
Narrator: Now you can have a diversified investment portfolio that fits your needs and helps you reach your savings goals.
Description: Return to Braelynn in her kitchen, using the medium hot sauce to make dinner. Text “Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com to sign in today.” appears with Canada Life logo and legal line: Canada Life and design and My Canada Life at Work are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company. mycanadalifeatwork.com 1-800-724-3402.
View the video transcript:
Description: Braelynn walks into her kitchen with a bag full of groceries. She sets them down on the counter.
Narrator: What kind of investor are you? Adventurous. Cautious. In between.
Description: She opens her cupboard and places three types of hot sauce on the shelf: hot, mild then medium in between.
Narrator: These are just some ways to express your comfort with investment risk.
Description: Camera zooms in on sauces.
Narrator: All investments have risk, some more than others.
Description: Cut to Braelynn, she stands and thinks.
Narrator: One way to reduce risk is through diversification.
Description: “Diversification” appears onscreen.
Narrator: That means spreading your money around in various investments.
Description: Cut to three pie graphs with investment graphics, each display a meter underneath to indicate a “Lower” or “Higher” amount of risk. Each graph is set to a low or medium level of risk.
Narrator: That way, if the market changes for one investment, you have other investments to keep you balanced.
Description: The investment in the middle becomes smaller and the risk level increases. The other two investments adjust to a lower risk to accommodate.
Narrator: If you think diversifying your investments is complicated, it doesn’t have to be.
Description: Camera pans down to reveal a large question mark, investments fall behind.
Narrator: This is where an asset allocation fund comes in.
Description: A pie graph of an asset allocation fund appears. Investment graphics surround the graph.
Narrator: An asset allocation fund automatically spreads your money amongst several funds, so they help manage risk.
Description: A dollar sign appears in the middle of the asset allocation fund. All investment graphics flip to show dollar signs.
Narrator: You can choose from three different types of asset allocation funds.
Description: Cut to three squares with text in each: “Target date funds,” “Target risk funds” and “Risk-adjusted target date funds.” A cursor enters the frame and clicks on “Target date funds.”
Narrator: Target date funds are based on the year you expect to retire.
Description: A pie graph appears, labelled “Target date funds” with a counter below. The counter rolls to 2050.
Narrator: Target risk funds are based on your comfort with risk.
Description: Five pie graphs appear, labelled “Target risk funds.” A meter appears below to indicate a “Lower” or “Higher” amount of risk.
The graphs are arranged from low to high risk: “Conservative,” “Moderate,” “Balanced,” “Advanced” and “Aggressive.”
Narrator: Risk-adjusted target date funds are based both on the year you want to retire and your comfort with risk.
Description: 2050 target date and aggressive target risk fund graphics are shown side-by-side. The label “Risk-adjusted target date funds” appears.
Narrator: Not sure how comfortable you are with risk?
Description: Cut to large question mark.
Narrator: Our investment personality questionnaire can help you figure that out.
Description: Cut to view of hands holding a tablet. The investment personality questionnaire is displayed.
Narrator: Now you can have a diversified investment portfolio that fits your needs and helps you reach your savings goals.
Description: Return to Braelynn in her kitchen, using the medium hot sauce to make dinner. Text “Go to mycanadalifeatwork.com to sign in today.” appears with Canada Life logo and legal line: Canada Life and design and My Canada Life at Work are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company. mycanadalifeatwork.com 1-800-724-3402.