Watch Jacques Gay, Life Science Support Engineer at Vicon, walk you through how to run a simple Python script from inside Nexus 2.
This Python code is an example created to work in conjunction with Nexus 2 and processed Lower Body or Full Body Plug-in Gait data. You can find the code by searching 'Gait Kinematics' in the Downloads section of your Vicon Online Support Account (www.vicon.com/support). The code needs to be run from within Nexus 2.
Python version 2.7
Site Packages:
Numpy 1.8.2
Matplotlib 1.4.0
Seaborn 0.4.0
This Python code is an example created to work in conjunction with Nexus 2 and processed Lower Body or Full Body Plug-in Gait data. You can find the code by searching 'Gait Kinematics' in the Downloads section of your Vicon Online Support Account (www.vicon.com/support). The code needs to be run from within Nexus 2.
Python version 2.7
Site Packages:
Numpy 1.8.2
Matplotlib 1.4.0
Seaborn 0.4.0